A Muslim Man is Here to Save the Day…no, really he is.

A Muslim Man is Here to Save the Day…no, really he is. March 18, 2015

News and views on all-things Muslim for March 16-19, 2015

This week’s news so far consists of a real life super hero, Rabia Chaudry talking a about Adnan’s case and J-A-Y, and the music of Malcolm X. You don’t want to miss it.



Articles About Muslims 

For Serial fans like myself, and most of America, news that Rabia Chaudry, friend of Adnan Syed, gave an exclusive interview got me excited. Rabia is the reason Adnan basically got on the show which garnered so much attention. In Rabia Chaudry: Jay Is Close to Whoever Did It, we learn a little more about behind the scene statistics and facts surrounding the case.

Right before the elections Netanyahu says that if he’s elected, there will be no Palestinian state. We all prayed he wouldn’t win and this ominous promise not be fulfilled. The devastating news that he won broke all over the internet. On Twitter:, Netanyahu says that “against all odds” his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a “great victory.”

Another American Muslim Family’s Home Attacked In The Middle Of The Night in North Carolina. Shots were fired into a home, one person was injured. The motive for the shooting is still unclear. Prayers for the family.


Articles By Muslims

Practicing Islam In Long, Long Prayer Garments is a thoughtful response by Umm Zakiyyah to “Practicing Islam in Short Shorts”. Even if you don’t agree with it, you should read it because there is so much the author has to say.

Sarfraz Manzoor asks: Can we drop the term ‘moderate Muslim’? It’s meaningless. Moderate Muslim has been a term many Muslims have pushed back against. As Manzoor says, “let us call those who follow an Islam that is open-minded, liberal and tolerant what they actually are: British Muslims.”

Hisham Aidi writes a thought provoking, beautiful piece in the New Yorker called The Music of Malcolm X where we learn about the complex relationship he had with music and particularly French music especially because of their relationship to the African-Americans, jazz, dancing all while being a committed Muslims.


Feel Good Stories

Ibrahim Al-Marashi writes, The Angel of Death is coming for you, ISIL about

Rambo-like Abu Azrae, the latest virtual hero to dominate, shape and control cyberspace in the war against ISIL. Not only is this Shia hero taking down ISIL, he is a social media celebrity.


Video to Watch:

Does ISIS have any religious legitimacy?

Graeme Wood, contributor to The Atlantic, and Mehdi Hasan, Al Jazeera presenter and contributor to the New Statesman magazine, debate if ISIS is actually Islamic at all.


Sabina Khan-Ibarra is a freelance writer and editor. She regularly contributes to her blog, Ibrahim’s Tree which she created after the loss of her infant son in 2011. She created Muslimah Montage as a platform for women to share their stories. Sabina currently lives in Davis, CA and working on her memoir. Follow Sabina on Twitter: @muslimahmontage

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