Healing Oils, Prayers and Anointing

Healing Oils, Prayers and Anointing June 8, 2024

The History and Uses of Oils in Scripture

The Prayer of Faith

 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the church’s elders, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

The “Mystery of Anointing,” as Unction is referred to in the Byzantine tradition, has been used countless times in the Church’s history and has many uses. They include the anointing of the sick, in preparation for death and the anointing of the dead.

The oils include: sandalwood, cassia, cedarwood, frankincense, galbanum, hyssop, myrrh, myrtle, onycha, rose of sharon and spikenard.

Ancient oils and anointing were passed down from the Egyptian and Canaanite traditions. During ancient times they used oils for anointing, healing wounds, infections, disorders and diseases, cosmetic purposes preparing the dead for burial and other rituals.


Spikenard is one of the most precious of oils spoken about in Scripture. When a distinguished guest visited a home, the master of the house, showed honor by breaking open the spikenard and anointing the guest. The Hebrew and the Romans used Spikenard in the burial of their dead.  This is why Jesus said that the woman poured precious spikenard on him. Mark 14:3

Hyssop is an ancient oil many of us have heard about. Hyssop was used for spiritual cleansing and respiratory relief. Jesus was offered a sponge with sour wine and hyssop during his crucifixion. John 19:27

Cassia is an ingredient that Moses used in his holy anointing oil. Exodus 34:24

Onycha was used to use skin wounds, a perfume and a holy incense to calm and sooth the spirit Exodus 30:34

Rose of Sharon was used as a perfume and elevate moods. The Rose of Sharon is mentioned in the Song of Solomon 2.1

Cedarwood was used to cleanse lepers, ritual cleansing after touching a dead body, embalming or anything else considered “unclean” like ritual cleansing from evil spirits. Cedarwood was also used for cosmetics and skin problems. Leviticus 13:3

Cypress was used for Arthritis, and laryngitis, reducing scar tissue and cramps. Isaiah 41:19

Sandalwood/Aloe: can assist in meditation Psalm 47:7-8

Frankincense was used as Holy anointing oil and thought to help someone transition in death. Numbers 16:46

Galbanum: Holy oil was used in many medicines. Exodus 30:34

Myrtle: Scripture states that Myrtle was used as a decongestant and for skin conditions. Zechariah 1:8-11

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