The Two Trees (22 of 33)

The Two Trees (22 of 33) June 25, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.]

In the Garden …

Friends. Ah, glorious friends! How we’ve missed you! The betrayals are forgotten. Let us eat, drink, and be merry!

In the Garden are many whom we know. They have welcomed us back to paradise with open arms, a warm embrace, and sweet caresses.

Lust tastes good as we feast upon the Tree. The way we’re eating, you’d think gluttony was our end! But, alas, all the fruit is good and plenteous. Thanks be to God!


For a moment, we thought we heard … a still small voice?

Must be the wine.

The homecoming is so overpowering that tomorrow we plan to eat of sloth.

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