Canoeing with Dan Rather

Canoeing with Dan Rather September 24, 2004

Okay, so I had this dream. In my dream, my wife had invited Dan Rather to go camping with us. Really!

(We are going on a camping trip next week.)

Anyway, I’m having this dream in which, a day or two before the camping trip, I discover that — without asking my opinion — she has invited Dan Rather to go with us.

So I called Dan.

I asked if he were bringing his own tent. He replied “No” that my wife had assured him we’d have enough room. Room, I say! We have three kids and a six man tent.

(Those of you who camp know that a six man tent is just big enough for four people.)

I imagined, while dreaming, canoeing with Dan Rather. I wondered if he visited my Blog site. Did you hear me? I wondered if Dan Rather, CBS news anchor, had visited Orthodixie! In my dream I thought:

Of course not, you moron!

That’s probably about the time I realized that he wasn’t in my canoe and I didn’t have to worry about him sharing our tent. In other words, I woke up.

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