How Goes the War?

How Goes the War? February 16, 2006

Fr. Nektarios in front of the desecrated Orthodox Serb tomb in Zociste. Dozens of cemeteries have been destroyed after the NATO led intervention in Kosovo despite the international civil and military presence. In many cemeteries tombs were smashed by axes and opened. Often remains of the deceased were scattered around. Want to help?

HT Fr Victor Potapov

“The victory of jihad in Kosovo would be a local triumph pointing the way to further victories to come, eventually to a worldwide victory. They would point and say: “Where is their God?” As Christians, our hope of victory is not an earthly one. “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” I remind you that in our part of the world, we suffered centuries under shari’a rule, and no man knows the numbers and names of all the martyrs from those times. We do not prefer to repeat that nightmare, but we are prepared for it if it comes. But my plea to you, as American citizens, is that your country would not help hasten that day for the Christian Orthodox people of Kosovo.”

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HT Fr Miguel Grave DePeralta

One of the demonstrators was a small child with a placard that said, “Whoever insults the prophet kill him.” Another marcher wore a suicide bomber costume.

Other signs in London said: “Behead those who insult Islam,” “Europeans take a lesson from 9/11” and “Prepare for the REAL Holocaust.” The organizer of the Feb. 3 event told the BBC that he looked forward to the day when “the black flag of Islam will be flying over Downing Street.”

But what stunned British writer Geoffrey Wheatcroft was something else he saw while blitzing through news reports about the waves of fury inspired by those 12 Danish cartoons of the prophet Mohammad.

“Not only did the police make no arrests” during the London demonstration, even though it “openly incited murder; they actually sheltered the fanatics” …

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Meanwhile, Willie Nelson sings a fruity country song, homosexual bishop admits he’s an alcoholic, folks long for the next American Idol, and iPod sales soar.

God help us.

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