USA TODAY: Orthodoxy [Un]Plugged

USA TODAY: Orthodoxy [Un]Plugged January 13, 2007

“I’m under no illusion that America is going to embrace Orthodoxy within a generation,” Huneycutt says. “Kissing relics, kissing bones of dead people. Baptists don’t normally do that.”


That’s one of my favorite (forgive me) personal quotes in this story.

Until the non-Orthodox father of a blog reader sent notification to his son — who FWD’ed me — I didn’t know the article had run in Thursday’s USA Today.

For whatever reason, USA Today cut out that quote. Okay you GR readers: Why?

If this is your first visit here: Thanks!

If interested, go H E R E for a truncated version of Church History.

While you’re at it, read the blurbs, buy the book.

God bless you!

Oh, and …

pray for me.


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