Moore on DEFEATING SIN November 16, 2007

Father Joseph has the unusual ability to take timeless truth, Biblical knowledge, and theology, and communicate them in a practical, and readily understandable form that has the wonderful potential of helping us to be transformed through the renewing of our minds.

— Ron Moore
International Singer/Songwriter/Speaker


This book has evolved over several decades of reflection that is both personal and part of our Orthodox family inheritance. This is a read that will bring many back through its pages just as memories of powerful retreats and epiphanies return to us and become once again moments of grace in an hour of need. DEFEATING SIN: Overcoming our Passions and Changing Forever is a book that will be marked up and well-worn by those who own it and no doubt shared with other Christians who long for a well of renewal and a blessed retreat.

— The Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield – Chancellor, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary

May you, reader, be blessed and enlightened and encouraged in your struggle by the wisdom contained in this book, to the glory of the All-Holy Trinity and the salvation of your soul.

— Bishop BASIL

Order a signed copy of DEFEATING SIN through PayPal in the side margin (at left) or — unsigned, multiple copies — through the publisher at Regina Orthodox Press.

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