Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia, Pray for Us

Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia, Pray for Us July 2, 2009

The tragic martyrdom of Tsar Nicholas, his family, and all intimately related to him was the signal wave of an in-rushing tide of barbarous secularism that would sweep over Holy Russia in the years after Ekaterinburg. For a century before the royal murders, wise Russian souls forecast a flood of materialist humanism, with brutal cynicism, utilitarian philosophy, and utter disdain for life and the sacred. Satan’s hatred skillfully manipulated, distorted, lied, and deceived, unleashing a fury of bloodletting appalling to the heart. Pray that the Russian tragedy serves to warn this generation in Europe and America: the up-welling of secularism within our culture, societies, and governments announces, in dread and discordant voices, terrible consequences for the beautiful, good, humane, consecrated, and God-fearing. Satan is here. Men chose to murder the Tsar; and, today, men rush to crush holy foundations. They set the stage for horrors to follow.

Stolen from the daily posting of DYNAMIS … read it all HERE.

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