INTERVIEW: Orthodox Christian Supply

INTERVIEW: Orthodox Christian Supply August 9, 2014



1. Who is Orthodox Christian Supply and how did your company get its start?

Our company grew out of our love for Orthodoxy beauty. The staple product offered by Orthodox Christian Supply, our traditional panel icon, was the catalyst for beginning our business. This was the case in that we really wanted to present a reproduction icon to the market that still maintained many of the qualities and presence of icons painted throughout antiquity. We have been making this product for four years now and are very thankful to have seen a great interest in higher quality reproduction icons. In this regard, to some extent, we have already accomplished our goals.

The company consist of only myself and my wife, Silouan and Luibov Campbell. My wife is from Divnogorsk Siberia and I am American. We are parishioners of St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Fletcher North Carolina and are trying very hard to build an Orthodox artisan community here in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

2. What products does your company offer?

Our main product is our reproduction icons, available in both classic and traditional panels. We also build Orthodox liturgical furnishings. This, we have found, is quickly becoming some of our most popular offerings. In the past year we have built a very large amount of icon boxes and custom church furniture. In addition to working with wood, we have branched off into designing and building a limited number of metal items. In fact, we just listed the first of these items – nickel-plated panahida trays. We also carry imported brass goods, prayer ropes, incense, and baptismal crosses.

3. What would you say is the “mission statement” of Orthodox Christian Supply?

It is our desire to beautify churches and homes here in North America. We hope to accomplish this through good prices and high quality items, always keeping in mind traditional Orthodox aesthetics. Regarding churches, we are willing to work with parishes of low budget status through discounts and, in some cases, donations. I guess you could say that our mission is to make the beauty of traditional Orthodox items affordable and tangible to all Orthodox communities here in North America.

4. Where can people find your company online and who should they contact for further inquiry?

We are online at and they may contact me, Silouan Campbell, directly through the website.

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