June 29, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] Again in the Wilderness … Our time on the Hill was very brief. We did not want to be there. But, because we trusted the voice in the Wilderness, there we were. But we did not want to be there. We’d rather be alone. No one drove us into the Wilderness. We were not tempted. We made the decision all on our own. We are not headed back to... Read more

June 27, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] In the Wilderness … Doubts. Funny. On the Hill our doubts are brought on by questions. In the Garden, they are due to answers received. Whom to trust? The more friends we found in the Garden, the lonelier we became. They became, like the fruit, too familiar. No mystery. For the moment, we are content in the Wilderness. Someone holds our hand. We dare not look. Afraid. “All will... Read more

June 25, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] Again in the Garden … Anger. Sometimes (do our eyes deceive us?) we seem to partake of anger by mistake. It often looks just like pride. Since pride, we’re told, is the omnipotent remedy for all our ills — we naturally reach for it daily. Yet anger is found within. “It is not anger. You are a god. You are in control. The world can be yours. Taste and... Read more

June 25, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] In the Garden … Friends. Ah, glorious friends! How we’ve missed you! The betrayals are forgotten. Let us eat, drink, and be merry! In the Garden are many whom we know. They have welcomed us back to paradise with open arms, a warm embrace, and sweet caresses. Lust tastes good as we feast upon the Tree. The way we’re eating, you’d think gluttony was our end! But, alas, all... Read more

June 24, 2004

Wherein St Paul encourages frequent “relations” and St Peter is known as Rocky. (It gets worse.) The new translation [sic] is called “Good as New.” Heavens! If snakes on trees could talk, this sounds like what they’d say … Read more

June 24, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] Again on the Hill … It seems that there are less people on the Hill today. More in the Garden. We’ve stopped looking at the Tree on the Hill. Everyone is happy, laughing, dancing in the Garden. There rings shouts of joy! In the Garden, where all is knowledge, there are no questions. The Tree is not stained with blood. There is life in the Garden. It is familiar.... Read more

June 23, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] Again on the Hill … The longer we stay here, the less we ask. The longer we stay here, the less we ask. The longer we stay here, the less we ask. The longer we stay here, the more we find ourselves looking into the eyes of our beloved, the man on the Tree. Our souls seem wedded to his — and our bodies begin to obey our souls,... Read more

June 22, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] In the Garden? It is hard to make out all that has happened. Too much partying. life is a blur. All is a blur. Our minds are clouded. Where are we? Ahead, we see a shape. “Who’s there?” No answer. Can’t be the creature — for he has an answer for everything! We slowly approach. If our eyes don’t deceive us, it looks like a tree. Is it a... Read more

June 21, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] Again in the Wilderness … The beautiful creature is a wonderful guide, very intelligent. He has taught us that we can partake of heavenly fruit — even in the Wilderness. All we have to do is think. “Bring the fruit to mind.” In so doing, we conjure up fantasy. Lustful fantasy. Hateful fantasy. We can build palaces of gold and silver, filled with riches, in our minds. “Must we... Read more

June 20, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.] Again in the Wilderness … We are beginning to get accustomed to the Wilderness. It isn’t life. It isn’t death. It just is. We can see the Garden; the fruits — Life? We can see the Hill; the Tree, the man — Life? The questions plague us … (till death do us part). No. It is better to just stay in the Wilderness. Here there is no salvation or... Read more

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