Flash Points: Where do babies come from?

Flash Points: Where do babies come from? August 4, 2014

flash-113275_1280 http://pixabay.com/en/flash-tesla-coil-experiment-113275/ Public Domain CC0 August’s Pagan Families Flash Points round-robin topic is about life or soul existence before birth:

Where do babies come from? In May we talked about sex and reproduction but what about where our souls, spirits, or unique personalities come from? Does your family or tradition have an explanation for this? Reincarnation or something else? How does this story change the meaning of pregnancy or a birthday? Where do babies come from?

Our regular contributors will write on this topic throughout the month and we invite you to write on your own blog and share the link with us so we can publish your link and enter into dialogue with you. If you don’t have a blog and want to participate we can also publish guest posts on the topic.

Read previous Flash Points here:

July: Magical Parenting

June: Beyond Mommy Blogging

May: Let’s Talk About Sex

April: What Makes A Family?

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