Winter Solstice 2010: A complete picture of three worlds.

Winter Solstice 2010: A complete picture of three worlds. December 19, 2010

The Winter Solstice this year includes not only a full moon, but a full lunar eclipse over North America peaking on December 20/21 around midnight about fifteen hours before the actual Solstice. This is a very auspicious time according to numerology and astrology. It will be spectacular since dust from volcanic eruptions may cause the moon to have a red or orange hue and the dark moon will make it easier to see the remnants of last weekends meteor shower.

Ocean at beat me to the punch and has a wonderful post called “Solstice Eclipse and Its Symbology” along with a series on the symbolism and traditions of the Winter Solstice and Yule. So this blog will focus on numerological significance of this rare event and how you can participate in and view the eclipse without leaving your warm home.

The Winter Solstice Eclipse will peek around midnight on December 21 so let’s look at that date. 12/21/2010 Please note that I am not a professional numerologist though I regularly use it for divination and to plan rituals.

(12) 1 +2 = 3 (21) 2 + 1 = 3 (2010) 2 + 1 = 3 or 20 + 10 = 30 or 3

3 + 3 + 3 = 9

Nine (9) is the triple three, the complete picture of three worlds: spiritual, physical, intellectual. Its planetary correspondence is the moon.

Zeros (0) usually represent overcoming the material world or infinity so they aren’t necessarily calculated in numerology. However; some variations do.

There you have it. On the Wheel of the Year we are turning to the season of light. We faced mortality at Samhain, now we seek to strengthen our spirit. During an eclipse, what is hidden is then revealed. Out of the darkness comes the eternal light. This is a powerful opportunity to bring into balance our spiritual, physical, and intellectual being.

If you have the opportunity to go out and see the eclipse do so or you can watch it at NASA’s website. The moon will be straight up in the sky so it may be difficult to see from a window. A live video feed of the lunar eclipse will be streamed online on Dec. 20. The camera is mounted at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. For those who consider themselves to be tech and science lovers, lunar experts from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center will be hosting two live Web chats to discuss the eclipse. On Monday, Dec. 20 from 3-4 p.m. EST, Dr. Rob Suggs will answer your questions. Later on Dec. 20, make plans to stay “Up All Night” with astronomer Mitzi Adams at she answers your questions from midnight to 5:00 a.m. EST. The video and chat will be available at a few minutes before each chat and the eclipse. Join the conversation on Twitter by including #eclipse and @NASAJPL in your lunar eclipse tweets, and you may even see them show up among our live comment stream on NASA JPL’s “I’m There: Lunar Eclipse” program. Get an “I Am There” Facebook badge to show others you’re watching the eclipse at

Blessed Solstice,




Rodurago Cypheron

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