July 26, 2016

It's Lammas weekend, time to celebrate a sabbat that doesn't quite work for a lot of us. Read more

July 22, 2016

Summertime is "the time" for Pagan festivals. Some thoughts on one of North American Pagandom's oldest and most cherished traditions. Read more

July 21, 2016

There's no way to definitively rank the worst Witchcraft books of all time, but we can try! Here are five books I don't recommend for your bookshelf. Read more

July 18, 2016

Politics are an inescapable part of our lives, and for many of us so is Paganism. That they are often intertwined shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. Read more

July 12, 2016

Rituals can and should be about everything. In Paganism we are free to celebrate the forces that shape our lives and give it meaning in whatever way we see fit. Read more

July 6, 2016

We can build a better Pagan mousetrap and create a community, both online and in person, that people feel comfortable with and proud of! Read more

July 1, 2016

The United States has been home to some of the most important and revered figures in magickal and Pagan history. Read more

June 20, 2016

Doreen Valiente is known as "The Mother of Modern Witchcraft" and that's no exaggeration. Read more

June 17, 2016

There are no easy answers or solutions when it comes to guns in the United States, but we can do better than allowing someone to discharge 24 rounds in just nine seconds. Read more

June 15, 2016

If you were to ask me what sabbat rituals should be about I would say that first and foremost they should be about what's going on our lives, and that includes our internal existence, as well as what's going on in our extended communities and our backyards. Read more

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