January 7, 2014

Aleister Crowley continues to cast a large shadow over both ritual magick and Modern Paganism. Where does the non-adept start when trying to figure out Crowley's legacy and influence? Read more

January 3, 2014

Paganism has always been a journey, not a destination. No matter how long we travel upon our chosen paths, there is always more to learn and experience. Read more

December 29, 2013

I've had a ridiculously good year at Raise the Horns. Here are the ten most-read posts of 2013, along with my five favorites. Read more

December 19, 2013

The Holiday Season has many reasons for celebration, but Yule is where my heart and spirit reside. The message of the Lord and Lady can be especially powerful in the darkness of Winter's long night. Read more

December 17, 2013

Santa's had a long and bumpy road on his way to becoming a modern icon, but now that he's here he doesn't look likely to leave anytime soon. In a world that so often lacks any magic, Santa provides a doorway into a realm of imagination and wonderment. Join us as we trace his origins in Greek myth, Catholic tradition, Norse paganism, and the wilds of the human imagination. Read more

December 14, 2013

The Holiday Season is a rush of social obligations, family moments, shopping, and rituals. Raise the Horns brings you resources for your every holiday need. Read more

December 14, 2013

The image of Santa Claus dominates the Holiday Season, but he's just one of the many magical gift-givers who visit children the world over this time of year. From the more well known Krampus to the mostly unknown Yule Goat, the world beyond Santa Claus is an interesting and fascinating place. Read more

December 12, 2013

Can a Pagan find middle ground with Sarah Palin and her new book "Good Tidings Great Joy?" The answer is mostly "no," but we gave it our best shot. Read more

December 10, 2013

Yuletide is a mix of ritual, parties, and family obligations. Because it brings out so many different sides of us it requires a very special sort of playlist, one able to mix the spiritual with the secular. It's a music mix with something for everyone this Holiday Season. Read more

December 8, 2013

There were victories, arguments, festivals, and everything in between in 2013. Catch up on the biggest news stories of the year, along with some of the best and worst moments in the Pagan Blogosphere. It's the Raise the Horns year in review! Read more

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