August 14, 2012

BT Newberg referenced the concept of Pagans trying to legitimize themselves “in the eyes of the mainstream.”  Aside from the other interesting concepts in his post, including a naturalist/hard polytheist dichotomy, I found that an odd idea. I suppose to some degree it may be true, as the Facebook poll I created shows, but it seems to me we spend far more time trying to legitimize ourselves to each other, or knocking down rampant stupidity (such as the idea we... Read more

August 14, 2012

I had a day full of errands yesterday and more today, so I’m not going to get into any heavy topics today. However, I have been thinking about Showtime’s Polyamory: Married and Dating, simultaneously dreading and looking forward to the next episode. So I’ve been thinking about what I’d love to see on the show this week. Some folks were a bit confused about the snark warning in the title, so if you don’t like it when I’m mean then... Read more

August 12, 2012

People keep calling me a journalist, but that’s not quite true. I have attempted to act in that capacity in the past with varying levels of success, but no longer. I never made an announcement. I just quietly walked away from that vocation. I suppose I could be considered a pundit of sorts, but that sounds a bit pretentious for what I do. Jason Pitzl-Waters is a journalist, and a damn fine one. He talks about that in a post... Read more

August 12, 2012

I don’t have enough of these videos to make a “13 things” out of them, but I think they are marvelous. Certainly a good way to brighten your day!   Read more

August 11, 2012

First things first, I know a bit about polyamory. I know some wonderful poly folks and have a lot of respect for that lifestyle choice. But I’m no expert. I’m not poly myself, mainly because I detest talking about feelings and relationships, but also because I find one man a lot of work and can’t imagine having time or energy for two or three. But for the purpose of watching Showtime’s Polyamory: Married & Dating I decided to play dumb.... Read more

August 10, 2012

I am a huge fan of Bernard Cornwell, and was thrilled to finally sit down and read his latest: Death of Kings. Part of his Saxon Tales saga, it is a ripping good historical novel set as Alfred the Great is dying. I could wax rhapsodic about how accurate and well-researched his novels are, how well-written they are, and how he makes battle scenes sing. But I want to talk about his portrayal of ancient paganism. The theme of paganism,... Read more

August 9, 2012

I decided to defrost a chest freezer by myself, which resulted in a pulled back muscle, which resulted in the inflammation from the injured muscle aggravating my sciatica. All of which means I am cussing like a sailor and mostly stuck in bed until the inflammation goes down. But even without this injury I think I’d still be irritated as hell today. I want to know when Paganism is going to grow up. Because it’s really tempting to check out... Read more

August 7, 2012

I have passed a strange anniversary, and I don’t know quite what to do with it. On August 2nd, 2002 I entered a shelter for abused women. I was 20 years old. I did not know how to balance a checkbook, how to file income taxes or how to purchase car insurance. My formal education had ended at the age of eleven, and ever since my studies have been the product of my own devices. I’m a big fan of... Read more

August 6, 2012

Way too much going on today for me to focus on one thing. First of all, my heart aches for the Sikh community. Unlike the meaningless loss of the Aurora shooting, this apparently had a motivation that you can articulate your grief against. This is one hate crime among many, and one that leaves me with a profound sense of sorrow that people are still committing violence over ethnicity here in this country. I want us to be better than... Read more

August 5, 2012

Not only because it is Sunday, but because I haven’t had Chick-Fil-A in a long time. Over a year. Maybe two. I don’t eat Chick-Fil-A because they throw millions of dollars at organizations trying to prevent my friends from having basic civil rights. While I can pay $30 and sign a document that grants me all the privileges and rights of marriage, my friends have to go to specialist attorneys and pay hundreds of dollars to have ironclad wills and... Read more

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