I confess that while having dinner with friends this weekend we started laughing about people farting while doing yoga. My wife said that there was one particular pose that caused a ton of people to blow, and I really wanted to know which one it was. So I googled it. I confess that I had only typed, “What Yoga Pose…” into the search when google automatically completed it for me with “makes you fart.” I confess that we laughed until our sides hurt at some of the message board conversations regarding yoga and farting. Classic.
I confess that I have never gone to a yoga class, even though it seems like fun. I confess that most of this has to do with the embarrassment factor. I further confess that I really can’t believe that some evangelical Christians – see Al Mohler – think that yoga should be off limits for the Christian. Seeing as we have two yoga instructors in our church who do Sunday evening “Holy Yoga” classes weekly, I’m guessing thatRedemptionChurchcould never petition for membership in the Southern Baptist Convention.
I confess that I was once driven by Al Mohler’s house inLouisvilleand it was huge and amazing, at least from the outside.
I confess that I’m trying to read both Ezra and Nehemiah at least once every week for the next 6 weeks. Last week I gott through them both twice.
I confess that my reading habits were only slightly better this week than last week. I did carve out some time and made myself shut out everything but a book for a couple of hours. I confess that I think that if my reading is going to improve, it will have to be an early morning thing. I confess that I’m starting to wonder if a Phd is possible for me. I know it’s not unless my reading habits improve.
I confess that I’m on day 20 with no running because of a stress fracture. I confess that I think it’s making me grouchy and hard to be around, although I’m actually enjoying the fact that this gives me more time to work – especially around the house.
I confess that since I got hurt, I’ve been reading up on healthier training techniques & listening to friends who have gone through the same thing & come back stronger. I’ve learned that I’ve been going about it all wrong. I was trying to pack in miles: 5-6 miles a day, 6-7 days a week. I’ve since learned that I need to vary my schedule and take at least 2 days a week off. My friend Steve suggested this pattern & I think I might try it: M-4, T-7, W-4, Th-off, F-7, Sa-5-8, Su-off. That would keep me around 30 miles a week with 2 off days.
I confess that I am – as ever – in complete at total awe of the people of Redemption Church, and their ability to make space in their hearts, lives, and especially in their worship services for all kinds of folks, many of whom are so broken that their brokenness becomes obvious to us all. I also confess that I’m learning every week how much I need to be in relationship with the poor and with those who are broken, hurting, addicted, and dying. These folks are teaching me as much about what it means to follow Jesus as any other thing in my life.