Saturday Morning Fun: Best political quiz ever at “I Side With” / take 5 min. to learn which candidates agree with you

Saturday Morning Fun: Best political quiz ever at “I Side With” / take 5 min. to learn which candidates agree with you August 18, 2012

Every election season there is some sort of quiz flying around to help you decide which candidate you should vote for. They always bug be because I never quite agree with any of the answers, so I end up having to choose the lesser of two evils, which is way too much like the ballot box. I want my quizzes to avoid reality, not mimic it. This year there’s a better option. It’s called:

If you don’t like the simple answers to each question, click “Choose Another Stance” option. When you click on that it opens up another window with anywhere from three to seven or eight possible answers. If none of those suit, you can write in your own response. I could almost always find an answer describing my position.

2 keys to getting an accurate result:

Rate how important each and every question is for you – try to differentiate between what is most important to you and what you don’t really care that much about.

At the bottom of several sections there is a “Show more questions” option. I recommend clicking that and expanding the question count by a few more. It will give you a larger sample.

Final step – post your results in the comments section so we can see where you line up. One of the interesting things is you can view state by state results. There are some other ways to view results that are interesting. I think it’s actually a pretty decent tool for folks who are not that into politics to learn a little bit about issues and think about where they stand before they vote.

My results say that I should vote for Jill Stein – Green Party 83% (In the major horse race I lined up more with Obama than Romney, but not by a ton).

They also told me that my response agreed with 50% of Kansans, and 52% of Americans.


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