Pastor Performs 1-minute Church Service so he can Watch the 49ers Play: A Little Friday Funny

Pastor Performs 1-minute Church Service so he can Watch the 49ers Play: A Little Friday Funny January 17, 2014

My first thought after watching this was, how many Sunday mornings would I have liked to try something like this. That thought was immediately followed by another, even more terrifying thought: how many Sunday mornings do the folks at my church wish this is exactly what I would do?

I know it was just his funny greeting and they did worship as usual after this, but it was a brilliant bit. I want to be friends with this guy. Pastor Tim must pretty special to have that many people show up when it’s playoff time in SF, and kickoff was upon them. For the record, if the Chiefs were in the 2nd round of the playoffs and game-time coincided with worship, I’m not sure it would matter what I planned for the morning, attendance would be pretty sparse. Would it be bad form to have the ESPN crawler giving updates at the bottom of the screen? Either way there are worse things to have to deal with besides a congregation who is actually engaged in the surrounding culture.

So, here’s to pastors who know how to take their role as worship leader seriously, but not themselves. Enjoy your Friday everyone!


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