October 21, 2023

IS ISRAEL RIGHT TO FIGHT?   We are now a few weeks into Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Every night when I turn on the evening news, I hear this question in some form or another, “Is Israel justified to do what it is doing to the people in the Gaza Strip?” As followers of Jesus Christ, all our actions must be justified by His Holy Word. Jesus tells us that we are to turn the other... Read more

October 20, 2023

FORGIVENESS IS A GIVEN, TRUST IS A GIFT In this world of social media where everyone has the capacity to say what they want immediately to anyone who will listen, the increase in hostility, betrayal, offense, and thus the need for forgiveness and restored trust become front and center. I know, personally, several ministry leaders and pastors who have chosen to give up on social media all together as a personal pursuit, because of the access it affords everyone to... Read more

September 5, 2023

WHY I STAYED A PASTOR: A RESPONSE TO PASTOR LANG’S ARTICLE: “WHY I LEFT THE CHURCH”     Recently Pastor Alexander Lang published an article, that blew up on social media over Labor Day Weekend, about his resignation from his congregation, the First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights. He said this:   “I have become a part of what is known as the Great Pastor Resignation that came in the wake of the pandemic. Barna did a national survey of... Read more

August 27, 2023

IS JESUS YOKE WOKE? Recently I posed the question, “Is Jesus Yoke Woke?” on my social media page thread to an audience predominately Christian.   My opening statement was, “Jesus asks us to carry his yoke not give into the woke.”   This sparked a myriad of responses, some affirming, some opposing, and some down-right degrading.   I realize the initial post carries with it a lot of emotional weight, but I also know as believers in God’s Word, making... Read more

August 7, 2023

Who Was The First Female Evangelist In The New Testament?   The role of women in church leadership today is a hot topic.   How do conservative evangelical churches make sense of the tensions and differences of opinion on what the Bible has to say about “women in ministry?”   I have written extensively on this issue in this CP article: https://www.christianpost.com/voices/a-so-baptist-pastors-response-to-sbc-decision-on-female-pastor.html   The question I want to answer in this article today is, “Who was the first woman evangelist... Read more

June 17, 2023

A Southern Baptist Pastor’s Response to the SBC decision to not allowing Females to be called “Pastor”   Recently the Southern Baptist Convention voted to remove Saddleback Church and over 1100 other churches from friendly association with the Convention regarding the ordination of women as Pastors.   Bob Bender, a long time Southern Baptist Pastor in Oklahoma and Colorado spoke on the floor of the Southern Baptist Convention and said to the roughly 12,000 messengers, “What does it say when... Read more

June 3, 2023

YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR SEXUAL IDENTITY   We live in a society of great debate over sexual orientation and sexual gender identity. But as a follower of Jesus Christ, you and I are more than our sexual identity. Don’t get me wrong, our sexuality is a vital part of our existence and how we view ourselves here on earth but in heaven this is a moot point.   Jesus said in Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry... Read more

June 3, 2023

THE RAINBOW IS GOD’S SYMBOL OF FORGIVENESS NOT ACCEPTANCE   June is gay pride month. The homosexual community has adopted the rainbow as their symbol of God’s acceptance of their actions and lifestyle, but what does the Bible say about this?   The only place in the Bible that addresses the rainbow is in Genesis 9 after the Noahic flood where God destroyed the earth because the world had become so violent and sexually promiscuous in Genesis 6.   After... Read more

May 30, 2023

LAUREN DAIGLE’S MUSIC OF ACCEPTANCE IN A POST COVID WORLD Grammy Award-winning Christian singer Lauren Daigle recently spoke about going through a dark time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lauren says she found healing in music amid a mental health scare and panic attacks. Post-pandemic studies show Lauren was not alone. The COVID-19 pandemic like 9/11 seems to have changed all of us. We now seem to live in a more selfish, self-saturated society with massive amounts of mental health issues,... Read more

May 25, 2023

OUR GREAT CALLING AND COMMISSION   We are looking at the calling and commission on Ezekiel’s life. And even though he had a little different calling on his life than we do, it is still very similar and still applicable for the calling and commission Jesus has placed on each of our lives. We will see that in the words God spoke to Ezekiel and the similarity of the words Jesus spoke to his disciples and to us. Ezekiel 2:1 says,... Read more

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