May 25, 2023

THE VISION OF JESUS: HEARING GOD’S VOICE   Fear is NOT your future. Jesus is!   Maybe your life feels shipwrecked by the circumstances you have lived through the last few years and fear has become your constant companion. NO MORE!   We will NOT be a fearful people we will be an expect people!   We are a resilient expectant people because our faith is in Jesus and Jesus is a reliable Lord and Savior of our futures. He... Read more

May 12, 2023

IS LAUREN DAIGLE’S NEW SONG “THANK GOD, I DO” A CHRISTIAN SONG?  Lauren Daigle is the most well-known, most popular, and most listened to Christian artist probably in the world today. She is the “Adele” of Christian music. The internet says Lauren Daigle is the second most famous Christian artist of our day, second to only Amy Grant. So it stands to reason that if Lauren is probably the most influential Christian singer of our day, it is fair to... Read more

February 20, 2023

MY DAUGHTER AND I ATTENDED THE 2023 ASBURY REVIVAL: Please don’t hate on it!   My daughter, Journey Grace, and I attended the 2023 Asbury Revival on Saturday, February 18th.   As a kid, I grew up on a dairy farm in Cave City, Kentucky, the home of Mammoth Cave near Glasgow, Kentucky. I left Kentucky in 1989 for Liberty University and later in 1992 to Dallas Theological Seminary, before being called to Colorado Springs in 1996 with the Southern... Read more

February 9, 2023

THE RELATIONSHIP THE PREACHER/PASTOR HAS WITH THE LOGOS (THE BIBLE)   Thirty-three years ago, at Liberty University studying for the pastorate, I made a commitment to read my Bible ten chapters a day, for the Word of God to be my guiding compass and light forward in all do, say, and teach to others in the ministry.   I am now on my 97th  reading of the Bible. I have now preached or taught over five thousand messages. Even after... Read more

February 6, 2023

GROWING CONCERNS OF PASTOR ANDY STANLEY’S LEADERSHIP AND VIEWS OF THE BIBLE   I have been a long-time fan of Pastor Andy Stanley and his ministry. As a student at Liberty University in the early 1990’s, I remember Pastor Andy coming and speaking to our student body in Chapel. The two things that stood out to me the most were: 1) His love for his dad and 2) His love for God’s Word. He inspired me to want to know... Read more

January 11, 2023

THE FIRST ORACLE OF THE PROPHET MICAH: HOPE REMAINS   Micah, like his great contemporaries Isaiah and Amos, prophesied during the eighth century BC, a time when Israel and Judah had risen to heights of economic affluence but had fallen to depths of spiritual decadence. People in Israel enjoyed a luxurious life at this time not unlike the prosperity the United States has experienced as a nation over the past century.   Israel like our country appeared to be strong,... Read more

November 21, 2022

SHOWING THE LOVE OF CHRIST IN A CARE-LESS WORLD   Over this past weekend a gunman opened fire at Club Q in Colorado Springs less than a mile from our church, Vanguard Church, a Southern Baptist Church, that has been in existence in the heart of Colorado Springs for the past 25 ½ years.   Club Q was hosting a transgender night when the gunfire occurred.   Just two blocks away and nine hours later our church hosted its regular... Read more

October 28, 2022

What Role Do Women Have In Evangelical Christianity?     The role of women in church leadership today is a HOT topic.   As a Pastor of a Southern Baptist Church, Vanguard Church in Colorado Springs, for the past 25 years, and a graduate of Liberty University (93)  and Dallas Theological Seminary (96), I understand the strain and hurt this issue has brought our bible training institutions and our local churches.   How do conservative evangelical churches make sense of... Read more

September 19, 2022

On September 15th, 2022 the Good Pastor book released. You can check out the details here:…/dp/1954618514/ref=sr_1_2…   This is a sampling of the book from the introduction of the Good Pastor book.   INTRODUCTION   “Do you want to be a great pastor for God?”   “Don’t quit, don’t fornicate, you will be the only one left and you will be great.”   I was stunned by those words.   Really?   Is that all it takes to be... Read more

August 24, 2022

BIBILICAL CONSERVATISM AND WOMEN PASTORS: A Southern Baptist Pastor’ Biblical Understanding   Can you be biblically conservative and have women as pastors in the church you pastor or are a part of leading?   I have pastored a Southern Baptist Church in Colorado Springs called Vanguard Church for the past 25 plus years. I am a graduate of Liberty University and Dallas Theological Seminary. I am a certified bona fide church planter apprentice of the ole school Home Mission Board... Read more

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