An Apology

An Apology June 11, 2018

My Four Weeks of Fine Men fizzled out only halfway in. I knew it was an ambitious undertaking when the idea came to me, but I impulsively ran with it anyway. As it turns out, that pace was unsupportable, and I’ve spent the last week recovering and dealing with some of the balls dropped during my two weeks of preoccupation with #tonicmasculinity.

I do hope to continue writing about #tonicmasculinity, and I enjoyed the opportunity to use this blog to tell some of the ordinary stories that set the patterns for functional relationships between people. However, I have to admit that it might be a while before I can get back to it! I’m going away for a week next week, and I have a lot to do to prep for that and for the chaos-inducing schedule changes of the summer.

Thank you to everyone who shared their stories with me. It was an honour to be privileged with the stories of your lives and your loved ones.



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