July 7, 2017

The beach is fun. We all have fun at the beach. But do you ever worry that you’re NOT HAVING THE RIGHT KIND OF FUN at the beach? No? Well, it’s never too late to start! Here’s my sun-baked, margarita-fueled, photo-riffic guide to Fun at the Beach. 1 Beach wear. It’s important to start your day looking and feeling coordinated and glamorous. A retro swimsuit and cute cover-up skirt work nicely. You might want to consider putting on a light... Read more

June 27, 2017

I’ve been feeling overwhelmed this week. The week didn’t start well. As we gathered Saturday to celebrate my younger sister’s birthday, my parents and siblings and I received the news that my Opa–who had spent the last two weeks hospitalized after a fall–had taken a turn for the worse and wasn’t expected to last the night. My parents left to go be with Opa, and early Sunday morning I received word that Opa had died during the night, peacefully, while... Read more

June 23, 2017

-1- There was a time when I did Seven Quick Takes most weeks. I went looking for the image and realized that Jen Fulwiler hasn’t hosted them for…years, now…and doesn’t really blog a ton anymore with everything she has going on. How did I not notice that? When did I stop reading along? I’m not entirely sure. In any case, apparently Seven Quick Takes is hosted by This Ain’t the Lyceum now, which reminds me that I’ve been meaning to... Read more

June 17, 2017

There’s a Solzhenitsyn quote which I love, and quote frequently–I quoted a related passage only a month ago. The quote goes like this: If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? – Alexander Solzhenitsyn …I thought of this passage today while reading... Read more

June 9, 2017

I’m going to talk about Geekdom–communities of enthusiasts or fans–for a little bit. Bear with me. One of the things self-professed “geeks” often argue about–and geeks LOVE to argue–is what it means to be a “geek,” and who qualifies. Sometimes the debate is playful, but sometimes it’s an attempt to exclude people for being “fake geeks.” When the question came up again in a couple different places recently, I put some thought into it. Why is this such a perennial... Read more

June 5, 2017

Nobody is responsible for anyone else's feelings, but we are all responsible for our own actions and intentions. Read more

May 29, 2017

I want to propose a definition for modesty that seems to me to fit all of the best, most common-sense ideas of dress and modesty, while avoiding the traps some fall into which make it such a difficult virtue to talk about. First of all, I want to reject any definition that defines modesty strictly in terms of a negative: “Modesty is avoiding tempting others to lust. Modesty is avoiding drawing attention to your sexual attributes. Modesty is not standing... Read more

May 25, 2017

In response to your recent request for more “proof of relationship…and…evidence of cohabitation” to support my husband’s immigration petition, may I offer the following evidence of his presence in our lives and home? 1) There are more sharp things in my house, and the children have been learning how to use them. 2) I’m not the only one fielding, “What do you call this (plant/animal/bird/bug)?” questions. 3) There’s music all the time. All The Time. All. The. Time. And it’s beautiful. Guitar, bodhran,... Read more

May 17, 2017

I snarked on Facebook earlier this week that everybody loves to talk about the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit, but we don’t talk about the sandals of the gospel of peace. That’s a shame, because it’s the only item mentioned in that passage from Ephesians that has anything to do with active interactions with other people. The entire passage is defensive in context–the breastplate, shield, helmet, etc. are protections meant, not to aid in conquering, but... Read more

May 15, 2017

In spiritual warfare, the enemy is always and everywhere the Enemy. Every soul is a battleground. Read more

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