Below are links to representative essays and articles I have written. More will be included as they are written and/or become available. All articles are reproduced by the very generous permission of the publishers. All rights reserved, meaning, unless otherwise stated, articles listed below may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast in any form (including and especially the internet) without the prior written permission of the publishers and/or myself. Of course, I have no problem if you point others to this web page so they can access the articles or themselves.
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“‘Hey, Get Away from My Bible!’ A Christian Appropriation of a Jewish Bible” January 2009.
“Preliminary Observations on an Incarnational Model of Scripture,” Calvin Theological Journal 42 (2007), pp. 219-236. (Reproduced here by special permission from theCalvin Theological Journal.)This article is a slightly augmented version of a paper I gave at the November 2006 national meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, in a session dedicated to I&I and its implications. The main point of the article is that an incarnational approach is neither a recent nor novel development, and could be used more extensively as a means for biblical scholars, theologians, and practitioners to address concerning the nature of Scripture.
“Exodus, Historiography, and Some Theological Reflections,” Act 3 Review 15/4 (2007). This article looks at some theological issues generated by a historical study of Scripture, specifically the exodus. The topics I look at here are the tabernacle and the birth of Moses in light of modern discoveries.
“Bible in Context: The Continuing Vitality of Reformed Biblical Scholarship,”Westminster Theological Journal 68 (2006): 203-18. This article is a slightly revised version of my address at my inauguration as Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Hermeneutics on March 15, 2006. I argue that the history of Reformed biblical scholarship, specifically 19th century Princeton and then WTS, displays a healthy, if also incomplete, appreciation for how the study of Scripture in its historical contexts is a vital dimension of Reformed biblical scholarship.
“Loving Christ While I Cheer for the Yankees,” byFaith January-February 2006: 20-23. In this popular article, I try to articulate the issues surrounding the relationship for one’s passion for sports and one’s Christian commitment.”
Some Thoughts on Theological Exegesis of The Old Testament: Toward a Viable Model of Biblical Coherence and Relevance,” Reformation & Revival Journal, 14/4 (2005): 81-104. The main point I make here is that much of modern biblical studies has been influential in that it has presented a model of Scripture that is found to be persuasive in drawing a coherent and relevant picture of Scripture. Evangelical approaches to Scripture must engage critical models and present more persuasive (rather than simply defensive) models of coherence and relevance.
“Apostolic Hermeneutics and an Evangelical Doctrine of Scripture: Moving Beyond a Modernist Impasse,” Westminster Theological Journal 65 (2003): 263-87. This article is an attempt to begin to outline how an understanding of the NT’s use of the OT in it Second Temple context can provide some fresh insights to help us move beyond some contemporary articulations.”
Matthew and Hosea: A Response to John Sailhamer,” Westminster Theological Journal 63 (2001): 97-105. In an article written with Westminster Theological Seminary New Testament professor Dan McCartney, we address some differences of opinion we have with John Sailhamer’s proposal to solve Matthew’s problematic usage of Hosea 11:1.
“The Yankees and Westminster: Personal Reflections on the Meaning of Tradition” Unpublished manuscript, 2000. I wrote this essay as part of a faculty/board discussion at WTS as a counterpoint to a colleague’s reflections on the WTS tradition. The basic point of the essay is that traditions that adapt are the ones that survive and thrive.
“Introduction to Exodus The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 2000). (Purchase this book)
“Wisdom of Solomon and Biblical Interpretation in the Second Temple Period” in J.I. Packer and Sven K. Soderlund, eds., The Way of Wisdom: Essays in Honor of Bruce K. Waltke (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 2000), 212-225. (Purchase the book)
“Law of God” in New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis: volume 4 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1997), 893-900. (Purchase this book)
“Creation and Re-Creation: Psalm 95 and Its Interpretation in Hebrews 3:1-4:13”Westminster Theological Journal 55 (1993): 255-80.