Bulletin Board: Screenplay Competition, Computer Gaming Job, and Grants for Evolutionary Creationists

Bulletin Board: Screenplay Competition, Computer Gaming Job, and Grants for Evolutionary Creationists April 12, 2012

I’m hoping to start using this blog not only for full-length commentary posts, but for bulletin board material, keeping people abreast of interesting opportunities or pointing to great articles and such.  So let’s get started.

  1. Act One, which seeks to cultivate Christian film artists (writers, directors, etc.), is holding its second annual Screenplay Competition.  Got an idea for a movie?  Get it ready for the June 1 deadline (May 1 is the Early Bird deadline), but be sharp.  Act One is serious about the film industry, so make sure your screenplay is written to the exacting professional standards (I recommend a program like Final Draft for help) of the industry.  Nothing will get a pass just because it has a nice message.
  2. A friend of mine, Brent Dusing, is CEO of Lightside Games, which produces social media games like Journey of Moses, which has attracted millions of players on Facebook.  It’s not heavy handed or anything of that sort, but Lightside Games seeks to make games that are just as entertaining and just as professionally crafted as any others, but that direct people toward scripture.  They’re working on a game that will take place in the world of the New Testament.  If this sounds appealing to you, they’re hiring a Front End Engineer (developing Flash Client games), a Back End Engineer (integrating the games into the Facebook platform, etc.), a Senior Game Designer (someone who has built successful social games) and a Junior Game Designer (someone who can learn the industry from the ground up.  Go to LightsideGames.com for more info.
  3. BioLogos, which aims to bring about greater understanding and acceptance within the church of mainstream science and particularly evolution, was given a very substantial grant from the John Templeton Foundation recently.  They’re giving grants from $30k to $300k for projects that work at the intersection of evolution and faith.  Even those who are skeptical, but open-minded, on the issue are invited to apply.  Go here to learn more.

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