How generous of China….

How generous of China…. June 4, 2008

‘The recent earthquake in China has prompted some unexpected “generosity” on the part of the Chinese government….’,’

China, widely known for it’s one-child policy which translates into forced abortion and forced sterilizations, appears to be making some concessions. The government is lifting its one-child policy for parents who lost a child in the earthquake.

The committee announced Monday that if a couple’s legally born child was killed in the earthquake, an illegal child under 18 years could be registered as a legal replacement. If the dead child was illegal, it said the family would no longer be responsible for outstanding fines, although parents would not be reimbursed for penalties already paid.

Oh, how generous. What’s even more dismaying is that the discussion in our media can be so nonchalant about a very serious violation of human rights. After all, aren’t we supposed to insist that government and others stay out of our bedrooms? Apparently, this “privacy” doesn’t apply to those who want children.

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