Maybe this will help explain President Obama’s Catholic problem

Maybe this will help explain President Obama’s Catholic problem April 22, 2009

While the President is pondering the pain that terrorists feel during interrogation, he seems completely unconcerned with the pain that millions of babies have felt during an abortion, not to mention what their mothers and other relatives go through.

George Neumayr articulates this discrepancy in his latest article. Riddle me this one:

Obama’s prim pontifications about America’s “values and ideals” inspired Chris Matthews and Jack Cafferty, among other deep and careful thinkers, to mull over the question: If torturing terrorists works — as the Obama administration had to admit grudgingly this week — is it okay? No, of course not, the chattering class proudly concluded.

One wonders why. What do they care? Having already accepted abortion and euthanasia — which are nothing more than the expedient killing of the unborn and the elderly — why should the expedient torture of terrorists, a lesser evil, trouble them? Oh, that’s right: the terrorists are guilty and the guilty under the ministrations of modern liberalism never suffer. Pain in modern life is for the innocent.

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