We are fa-mi-ly….

We are fa-mi-ly…. December 7, 2007

‘We hear a lot about the demise of the family, about the role of the family, etc. But this year the World Day of Peace Message puts the family front and center.

A tradition started by Pope Paul VI, the Message takes the opportunity to address current concerns about the situation or lack of peace in the world from the perspective of the Catholic Church. Naturally, the text is not specific to Catholics. People of all faiths or even no faith can find direction and solace in the message. This year, Pope Benedict addresses the crisis in the Middle East, the threats to the environment, and other important concerns (including nuclear arms) by getting back to basics: the family.

He maintains that the family is not only the basis of society, but that our practice and experience of the family affects how we treat each other in the larger context of society and nations. In other words, nothing comes from nothing. If people do not experience justice and peace in the family, they will not know how to practice it towards others. As John Paul II continually reminded us, the family is the first school (and the first church). Mother Teresa echoed this in her famous address at the National Prayer Breakfast when she pointed out the absurdity of not understanding the spread violence, especially among young people, when we tolerate the practice of mothers routinely killing their unborn. As she saw it, if the most innocent are not safe from their own mothers, how can we expect safety anywhere else?

The Message is also an important reminder as we enter the 2008 election campaign more fully that we cannot expect a candidate, a government, or anyone else to do what we ourselves are responsible for in our own families. Back to basics. Here’s the text of the Message.

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