Let’s Make A Deal

Let’s Make A Deal April 27, 2007

You are looking for a church. Here are your choices:

(a) A once-Charismatic congregation that’s transitioned away from those roots to a hyper-cautious blend of seeker-Reformed.
(b) A church with a bit of an identity crisis that belongs to a fundy-holiness denomination, but has positioned itself in the emerging stream, ancient-future variety.
(c) A highly programmed big box where the paid staff are leading the key ministries, a fleet of volunteers reports to the staff, filling slots on an org chart
(d) A small and getting smaller church riddled with complacency and compromise

The standard answers are – go where God has called you; look to see where your theology and gifts best match; pray.

What happens when you’ve done those things for three years and nothing happens? “Nothing” here means that you become a butt in the pew for an hour or so each week.

Is it too much to ask for leadership you can respect and trust, and that leadership’s willingness to empower and equip people to do meaningful ministry? Is it too much to ask for good theology, an embrace of the life of the Spirit, a passion for souls, and a sense of community?


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