One of my favorite questions to ask both old friends and new acquaintances alike is “What book or books are you reading right now?” I’ll share the contents of my current pile of books, and I’d love it if you’d share the title of a book or two you’re reading (or have read recently). If you’ve read more than half of it, please add a thought or two about what you’re enjoying – or not. I’m always looking for more great reads to add to my stack.
The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri – A friend who belongs to several book clubs insisted I read this novel and report back to her once I’ve finished it. I’ve just begun this story of two brothers in 1960’s Calcutta, and am really enjoying it so far. I don’t read much fiction, but her enthusiasm for the book hooked me.
Jerusalem: The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore – I have been working my way through this massive history in spurts for months. It is a chronological look at the story of the world’s most contested real estate. I’ve found it to be a fair and readable volume so far (I’m halfway through the Crusader years), and well worth the effort if you’re interested in gaining a better context for today’s headlines.
How To Read Proverbs by Tremper Longman III – Surely this book of the Bible is something more than a collection of fortune cookie observations about money and relationships, or, in the case of Proverbs 31:10-31, a punch list of expectations for wives. Longman offers an accessible approach to this book that describes what a wise and spiritually-flourishing life looks like.
A Circle of Quiet by Madeline L’Engle – Some writer pals from Ink Creative were talking about this lovely book of reflections about writing, faith, marriage, parenthood, and a farmhouse named Crosswicks. After months of focusing on my own work, reading this book was a little like going on a retreat with a gracious and deeply thoughtful guide. I am looking forward to spending time with the other books in this series.
Prayer and Temperament: Different Prayer Forms For Different Personality Types by Chester P. Michael and Marie C. Norrisey – A look at the ways in which different personality types (as defined by Myers-Briggs) can better engage with God in prayer.
Your turn! Go!
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