January 26, 2013

For thousands of years, human societies were based on ideas of hierarchy, subordination, and obedience. These ideas still possess certain figures in the American right wing, and they are reacting to the rise of egalitarianism with a kind of political primal scream, a threat to take everything down if they cannot win. Read more

January 11, 2013

I was party to an amazing series of incidents that took place during the 1980s. These events constitute one of the most fascinating explorations into the reality of Thought Forms that I have ever encountered, and have significance, I believe, for what our world is experiencing today. Read more

December 26, 2012

Christians are at risk of disappearing from the Middle East. The usual reason given is “radical Islam," but we should look equally to the United States for the source of the problem. Read more

December 4, 2012

The American right wing hit its high-water mark in the 2012 election -- and then lost. This victory for feminine and balanced masculine values can only benefit the Pagan community. Read more

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