April 27, 2016

“Pleeeaaassseee , that’s the trouble with kids today , there’s not enough spanking going around which many kids really need!!!!”

“This isParents should discipline their children. That they haven’t been spanking them is a testament to why they all feel so entitled and guilt free. It’s always someone else’s fault.”

“Interesting, but I will still do it to my future child.”

“Perhaps the next study will find that saying “no” is abusive.”

“I wouldn’t over analyze it. Sometimes kids just need a butt whoopin.”

Pro-spanking Argument #2 – “Kids need discipline! That’s the reason kids are so entitled today!”

Pro-spanking Argument #3 – “I was spanked, and I turned out just fine.”

Pro-spanking Argument #4 – “I’m glad my parents cared enough to spank me.”

Pro-spanking Argument #5 – “For some kids, it’s the only thing that will work.”

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