Friday Worship Quote: John A. T. Robinson on Holy Communion

Friday Worship Quote: John A. T. Robinson on Holy Communion February 15, 2019

The Eucharist is “the point where [the finished work of Christ] is constantly renewed to the Church, as those who have already been buried and raised with Christ in baptism come to share in the broken body and outpoured blood of him whose crucified and life-giving body they are called to be.”

“This is the crucible of the new creation, in which God’s new world is continually being fashioned out of the old, as ordinary men and women are renewed and sent out as the carriers of Christ’s risen life.”

“It is the most political act to which the church sets its hand. We come to communion not merely to feed upon the Body of Christ, but to be recreated the Body of Christ.”

John A. T. Robinson, Liturgy Coming to Life

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