You Asked, I Answered: Two Blogs A Week!

You Asked, I Answered: Two Blogs A Week! August 19, 2018

Hello, friends!  You asked, I answered:

Thanks to YOU, we surpassed our first goal on Patreon and now yours truly will be making sure that you get at least two articles a week for your enjoyment.  (Phew!)

In the meantime, to make sure you never miss an article, whether it’s published here, as a review on Classical NYC, or a thinkpiece on Howlround, make sure you follow my Patreon page to get the link round-up!


But What Is Patreon?

Patreon is a great site where for as little as $1/month ($12/year) you can not only support me, but you also get immediate access to various perks – ranging from monthly original music, to access to new plays in progress, or even whole books delivered to your Kindle.

It’s a great place to support creators of your favorite stuff and communicate with them, too!

But I’m Broke!

I feel ya.  Me, too, sister.  In that case, giving me a shout out to your Great Aunt Ethel who likes to support young whippersnappers, or letting your next door neighbor know about my work goes a huge way.  (Or just put up a post on the Book of Face!  You can also follow me there.)

This Is So Cool!  I Want All The Things!

Yay!  I think you’re cool.  And let’s do all the things.

Image courtesy of Pixabay.

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