Emily C. A. Snyder is a published and internationally produced playwright and novelist, whose work has been performed from Christchurch, New Zealand to Dublin, Ireland.
She is the premiere international scholar on writing and performing new verse drama.
She is the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of TURN TO FLESH PRODUCTIONS (TTF), a New York City based theatre company specializing in developing new plays written in heightened text with vibrant roles for women on-stage and off.
Emily holds her Masters in Theatre Education from Emerson College, and a double-major with her BA in English: Literature and Drama from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She studied John Barton’s Shakespearean technique with members of the Royal Shakespeare Company in London and Stratford-upon-Avon, where her Rosalind (As You Like It) was compared to a young Maggie Smith.
Despite her biography, she is not overly fond of cats.