Thinking Bloggers…

Thinking Bloggers… June 12, 2007

thinkingbloggerpf8.jpgThis might be the most self-serving post yet, but I couldn’t help sharing that Pop Theology got tagged by our friend Tripp in the thinking blogger meme. Thankfully, I am forced to list 5 other sites that make me think. Check these sites out of you get the chance. They are well worth the visit.

In no particular order:

PoMo Pirate–right back at you Tripp.

The Revealer–a daily review of religion and the press. Anything by S. Brent Plate is especially interesting.

The Spectrum Blog–from the Adventist side of things.

Beatitudes Blog–the blog for a great service-oriented community that I have recently come to know.

Faith in Public Life–the blog for an ecumenical group that seeks to influence public policy.

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