Answer Me This

Answer Me This April 18, 2008

I don’t really have time to blog, but I’m undergoing some sort of logical disconnect that’s irritating me as I grope towards morning awakeness and sanity.

The Gospel of the Church of Self Affirmation just doesn’t make sense to me. At some point, if you’re an average priest or church leader or social activist in a church like TEC, do you reach the bottom of yourself and find that there’s nothing there? That there’s not enough? And when you get there, what do you do? More work?

Because one of the best things about being a Christian is the extending gracious transformative nature of the Gospel. You look inside yourself, honestly find that you fall short, that you have a dark rotten mess for a heart and guts, throw yourself on the mercy of God, find that he forgives you, covers you with his righteousness and gives you the Holy Spirit. So that the next time you look down into your heart, you might still see the dark rotten mess, but you also see the power of God making it better. So when you come to a point of not having Enough, of not being able to Save yourself, God gives you the measure that you need and you actually get to rest, not do more work.

But since this isn’t available to so many clergy in TEC, having to be good on their own power, in themselves, what takes them that extra distance?

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