{pretty, happy, funny, real}

{pretty, happy, funny, real} April 24, 2014

Matt and I are going out for the day and so I should absolutely not be sitting here doing this. I should be zipping around wiping the grime off the kitchen table so that the lovely people who are coming to endure an entire day with the children won't feel sad and depressed by all the dirt as well. Can I do this in three minutes? Going to seriously try.


The flowers on my table turned out petty nicely this year. Always wish they would last a few days longer. They were heading into a quiet fade as of last night. Still, so bright and cheery.


Marigold, by the end of Monday, was so filthy and covered with sugar, and so happy about it… I guess I'm trying to say that my sense of revulsion was overcome by surprise. Children are so happy covered in sugar and dirt. And I spend so much time trying to take the sugar away and the dirt off. Except this week. This week, there is not battle being waged by me. He is risen. Eat the sugar.
I don't need to explain why two little boys in jackets and shades is funny, I trust. They had to take the shades off for the service but other than that, it was awesome all day.


I wrote before about last year's bad Holy Week moment of painting really ugly flowers on the wall of the girl's room, and then, I think I mentioned it, of moving the children around again this Ash Wednesdat so that the boys were put back in this room, and then trying to paint over the flowers with orange and some other terrible colors, like flesh. Well, here's what their room looked like yesterday before I started painting it again. I only have before pictures. For after pictures, you'll have to wait at least over night until I take some. I trust, after you look at these, you'll have a glass of somethng or take a long walk in the sunshine to try to purge your mind from this hideousness. And pray that my boys don't suffer long term trauma for having slept in this room for the entirety of Lent. I mean, I do try to live out the church year, but never have I, I'm pretty sure, inflicted this level of suffering on anyone.


Go check out Like Mother Like Daughter for some much more beautiful pictures.


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