SDfAoWOP: The Face of Moses

SDfAoWOP: The Face of Moses April 24, 2014

Day Ten

Exodus 34:34

Whenever Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him, he would remove the veil, until he came out. And when he came out and told the people of Israel what he was commanded, 35 the people of Israel would see the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses' face was shining. And Moses would put the veil over his face again, until he went in to speak with him.

You've survived the horror of the golden calf, throwing some of your own gold into the pot and dancing furtively along the edges of insanity, but then, by grace, backing well away from those who are consumed by the purifying and mighty anger of God. You like the idea of God's perfect and holy law, you've watched the tabernacle coming together under the skilled and remarkable fingers of Oholiab and Bezalel, but sin is always crouching at the door, ready to devour you. The weariness of the wilderness so frequently overcomes the knowledge of all the miracles and mercy. You know it shouldn't be so, but it is. And now Moses' face is always shining like the sun. The bright morning sun. No one wants to see it and so he covers his face so you can just hear what he is saying. Unless God acts, unless he tempers his holy and purifying light, you feel that you will surely parish. Except when you settle into your dusty and untidy tent at night. Then the clutter of your mind takes over and the light of Moses' countenance is far removed and you wonder again if God is real and he cares. Nevertheless, as dawn rises again and again, so the veil is removed and you see the truth, briefly, and have hope.

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