Also No

Also No April 7, 2022

This is a much better prayer, if you’re casting around for something to say to God and don’t know where to begin.

Here is yet another bad thing for a gray and gloomy week:

After the bad “exegesis” of yesterday, it makes sense that we would have to cope with a prayer that might best be described as very confused, if not actually creeping up to the precipice of blasphemy. The young woman, leaning over the podium there, prays to “the God of pronouns,” the “one who is identifiable as God,” “the God of trans being.” From thence is an awkward listing of people whose names are changed in the Bible–like Jacob to Israel, and Saul to Paul–and something about Joseph’s coat of many colors being the first trans flag or something like that. All the while the man sitting there behind her stares down at his paper. Not sure what his roll in the proceedings might be.

Other declrations she makes are that God “shatters every single stereotype making every single person male and female. Male and female, intersex, non-binary in your image, exactly in your image.” And she ends with saying thank you to “the Great I Am, the great they them.” I mean, you can watch it, and you probably should, just so you know what kinds of things are being said by people who most certainly mean well, but who are, as I said, confused and also completely biblically illiterate.

So anyway, God is not “the God of pronouns.” That isn’t a thing. He actually does tell us how to addres him–He/Him–and does not affirm a trans ideologogy, but rather invites sinners to repent. I’m not sure what else to say, except, as I said yesterday, no, that’s not how any of this works.

We are on the edge of passion week, and are going to walk in the way of Jesus who took up his cross, who went willingly to death so that we might gain eternal life. Every year, for all the years I’ve followed after him, trying to understand why he would do this work, why he would deliberately suffer when he could have so easily avoided the whole ordeal, I am always astonished by what a stranger God is. We wanted him to be like us, to affirm us, but he did a much harder work. He let us reject and revile him and used that rejection to incorporate us into his own Body, the Church. This is not gender bending. It is not him being confused about what his own pronouns are. It is an astonishing mercy, a great mystery, and, if you go to him on his own terms, you will find that it gives you the life and the love that you long for.

Have a nice day!

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