Monday in Holy Week

Monday in Holy Week March 30, 2015

Blogging may be light this week. Who knows what each moment may bring. It’s always best to hold the whole thing with a light hand, if that is even possible. Nevertheless, and that being so, I am really really really hoping that each moment beings only exactly what I have planned for it to bring. Even with unforeseen surprises along the way, I long for everything to tick along nicely according to my Menu and my Grand Master Plan.

Today we’re going food and shoe shopping. Tomorrow I intend to make easter desserts and bread. Wednesday I hope to write a sermon. Thursday is competely all about Shepherd’s Bowl. Friday is, well, Good Friday. And Saturday, well, that day will be full of all the stuff I thought I would do the other days but actually didn’t.

The kids are all excited and keyed up. Marigold is shouting and frothing about The First Easter and The Second Easter. For reasons I can not quite fathom, we are all a little more je ne sais quoi than usual going into this week. Not, of course, that we are ever complacent about this week, but…hmmm…the whole thing feels high pitched, or something.

And on that note, I’m going to leap up and mash the kids into the car.

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