Just Friends Podcast and Links

Just Friends Podcast and Links May 16, 2022

It seems to be totally random whether I can upload pictures or not.

It is a humid, warm day here in Bing and I have a bunch of miles to go before I can collapse, but in spite of it all, we’ve done a shortish podcast about how people take off church for the summer, how Matt is reading a lot of history books, and how I’m reading Nate Collins’ All But Invisible. It ends up being all about sexual identity and spiritual friendship, as you might expect. Hope it makes your day all sparkly!

I think I was supposed to put a meme in here, but I can’t upload it because this blogging platform is picky, I guess.

This is pretty funny though.

This is great news.

Here is the interview we mentioned.

And here is a fantastic sermon and a helpful class.

And I’m so sorry, I have to run along and can’t find all the interesting links I thought there were there. Have a nice day!

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