June 29, 2011

So you take a huge, practically obscene, piece of meat, pork, that you bought at 1.25$ a lb at Wegmans, and you come home with it, all your groceries, and five kids, learning, along the way, that the sixth kid has learned how to climb out of her crib just that moment, and fretting that this Wegman’s trip marks the point at which your oldest child will no longer be going in to the play place but will now, being... Read more

June 26, 2011

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June 25, 2011

Blast it.And I was really hoping to spend the day sitting outside doing nothing. Now, unfortunately, I have no excuse to avoid the work of the day, which includes adding another coat to my red table, giving the children their weekly Saturday bath, picking out clothes for Sunday, coming up with a Sunday School Lesson, baking banana muffins….what is it with the insane list making? It’s like I’m stuck in a loop. Here it is after coat number three, its... Read more

June 22, 2011

Dismantling a table, nailing the top to our kitchen island/butcher block, painting the top red, picking and washing a crop of lettuce, baking banana muffins and bread, emptying bookshelves of books, rearranging the furniture in the school/play room and cooking dinner ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Actually its not fun. Its not a fun at all. And if one more child touches the bright red paint on purpose I will seriously freak out. Pictures forthcoming. Read more

June 21, 2011

I just went to Wegmans with the three little girls. Matt had to take Elpine out to lunch (she wore a super fancy new dress and shoes, a tiara in her hair, a tiny cross necklace and took a shiny black purse. She was ready to go two hours early. Apparently, said Matt, she’s very interested in boys. I don’t know what exactly about them, but there you go. Shoot.) and the boys were with one of their favorite people... Read more

June 20, 2011

 Some really lovely people in the church stopped by and gave us this furniture last Friday.  At the risk of turning into a blog that puts of the same picture thirty times in the same post, here it is again. We bought the umbrella on clearance this morning.  Right next to the children digging a tunnel through to the other side of the world.  With room for a baby.  And a little bit of gravel we bought this morning. Not... Read more

June 18, 2011

Every upswing in energy and growth in the church seems to be met with a serious wall of struggle and opposition. This makes sense, of course, because if the Gospel of Jesus is spreading and taking root in people’s lives, the enemy is being destroyed, which I imagine must be awfully frustrating. Inroads Our summer festival, about which I neglected to blog, was a resounding and encouraging success. Many many people came and availed themselves of all we had–ice cream,... Read more

June 18, 2011

In the present instance, going back to the liver-pill circular, I had the symptoms, beyond all mistake, the chief among them being ‘a general disinclination to work of any kind’. What I suffer in that way no tongue can tell. From my earliest infancy I have been a martyr to it. As a boy, the disease hardly ever left me for a day. They did not know, then, that it was my liver. Medical science was in a far less... Read more

June 17, 2011

One Phyllis Strupp, of whom I have never before heard, thinks that Father, and by that I presume she means God, doesn’t always know best. Father, by whom we assume she means God (I’m kidding, I know she doesn’t mean God, I’m  just messing with her), needs the Holy Spirit, whom it’s clear she assumes is “female” to get it right. Jesus was loud and clear on this point: God has both masculine, left-brained qualities in God the father as... Read more

June 16, 2011

Why isn’t there a hue and a cry (backed up with money from some rich underground lair dweller) for Anglican Women and Mothers to get together for a blogging conference so that we could all meet each other face to face? The Catholics do it all the time. Tisn’t fair. We could meet near some lovely gorgeous beach with a beautiful chapel and pray the hours and eat beautiful food and hear talks from each other (or anyone we might... Read more

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