May 30, 2011

From Charles Williams Decent into Hell “Don’t you think so?” Watteau, whose actual name was Myrtle Fox, asked, “It’s what I always feel–about trees and flowers and leaves and so on–they’re so friendly. Perhaps you don’t notice it so much; I’m rather mystic about nature. Like Wordsworth. I should love to spend days out with nothing but the trees and the leaves and the wind. Only somehow one never seems to find the time. But I do believe they’re all... Read more

May 29, 2011

It’s a pleasure to be here with you this morning for this difficult and probably to some, deeply offensive passage of scripture. If you would all like to turn to Colossians 3 verse 18 you will see why all the men in leadership in this church turned into cowardly custards and refused to preach.  To stand in the middle of a deep strong rushing river of cultural consensus and heartfelt belief and try to either face the opposite direction, or... Read more

May 27, 2011

One My computer is on the delivery truck. Could be here any minute.  Don’t know what to do with myself. Have like six or a hundred things I could do but can’t focus. Two Matt and I had strep this week and so we missed the whole last week of school. Sob. Including the end of the year party today. Three Alouicious: I guess I like this song because of the ninja. Me: Ninja? Elphine: What a wreck her house... Read more

May 22, 2011

I have a beautiful trifle dish. I bought it for a dollar at the Christmas Tree Shop in 2007 and made a gorgeous trifle right away. This week I thought it was time for a second trifle. I instructed Matt on my way out the door. “Cut up the last bit of delicious Easter bread/cake” I shouted, flinging kids and backpacks in the car, “and pour some brandy on it and put it in the fridge.” He gazed back at... Read more

May 20, 2011

I expect you’re settling in to enjoy a quiet Friday evening and were casting about for just a little something to take your evening to the next level. Here is my gift to you. Read more

May 19, 2011

Was just sitting here thinking, “I wonder what I could blog about if I had an inclination to blog” when into my email popped a nice note from some reader wishing I would write. I agree it is disagreeable to click onto someone’s blog and see the same old Funeral title there day after day. I do look at my blog every day. I click on the link and stare at it and think, “what a nice blog. Someday I... Read more

May 2, 2011

My funeral plans are really always in some stage of being planned and replanned. As much as I mentally redesign most rooms I walk into, I replan my funeral when I attend other people’s, or run into a new hymn or something. In terms of my profession, on the whole I prefer funerals to, say, weddings. People generally have very fixed ideas at weddings and if one thing goes wrong EVERYthing might as well go wrong. Whereas at a funeral,... Read more

April 30, 2011

This has long been a favorite hymn of mine. Of course I’m sure you all heard it played at the Royal Wedding live on Friday because you woke up at 4am to watch it (didn’t you? it wasn’t Just me). I woke up my kids and made them be quiet and watch it too. But I’m an Anglophile, unapologetically. Anyway, I want it sung at my funeral along with this and this and this and Of Course this Happy Easter! Read more

April 28, 2011

Matt: Its sad that tomorrow all the flood coverage on the news is going to go away. Me: What’s more important?! There will be another flood before you know it. But Prince William is only going to get married once! Well, maybe twice. Certainly not three times. Elphine: I’m going to get married and have ten children and live next door to Nonni so that she can take care of them. Gladys: I got married before but now I’m going... Read more

April 27, 2011

I preached at the Easter Vigil as I usually do. Well, ‘preach’ is kind of stretching it. I meandered around in a reflective sort of way. What was that term? A Preach Moment, maybe, even Homily is kind of generous. A sermonette for a Christianette. Anyway, here it is. Today we are going to try and have a proper celebration of Easter at home. Totally discouraged myself by Saturday reading blogs of what other people were planning to do. In... Read more

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