January 1, 2016

It’s the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God (January 1).   If you’re reading this, you should know it’s a Holy Day of Obligation. If you’re unsure and need confirmation, check your local national catholic conference webpage. Have a holy Solemnity today! And, also: Merry Christmas! Pray for me, Keith Michael Estrada Read more

January 1, 2016

Friends, Happy New Year! Out here in Seattle-land, we’re getting to 2016 a bit later than the rest of many of you. Nevertheless, a blessed new year to you all! As this new year begins, we’re seeing wild weather patterns across the globe, paranoia among USAers, violence across the globe, trafficking of persons, arms, and drugs, and unjustifiable poverty. Start this new year with a sacrifice for the poor and oppressed. Do something. Give something. Say something. Abundant blessings, Keith... Read more

December 29, 2015

What’s the greater work: to teach a child the Sign of the Cross or to build the most magnificent edifice? For Saint John Eudes, the answer is clear: “To teach even a child to make the sign of the cross or instruct one of God’s little ones, is a nobler work in the eyes of God than all human and natural undertakings.” Saint John Eudes wrote this in his handbook The Good Confessor (1644) now found in the compilation The Priest:... Read more

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