Speaking to Bugs – Tuning In and Tuning Out

Speaking to Bugs – Tuning In and Tuning Out October 3, 2011

By Bruce Adams

(Hi folks,

Here’s a little note from the producers meant to provide a little background on what you’re about to read and see.  As it happens, Wednesday’s new webisode from our slowly becoming popular little webseries “Prophet or Madman” is about a conversation Bruce had with one of God’s creatures while visiting his local park.  We don’t want you to get the wrong impression, so Bruce wrote this blog to sort of pre-explain what you’ll see on Wednesday.  We should do this from time to time, I guess.  We do call ourselves ‘The Lighter Side of Higher Consciousness,’ but we’re not kidding around here.  Further, where there is understanding, there is no disagreement, right?  OK.  Now that that’s settled, let’s get on with Bruce’s blog.)

When I think back to the experience of telepathically communicating with a bug, I fully realize how unbelievable that would be for the average person to accept as possible. In all honesty, based on how I use to see life, if it hadn’t happened to me, I would probably not have believed it myself. Before moving on, I wish to add a little clarity by saying that today I see things and accept things that I previously could not have. The reason for the shift is directly related to my tuning into a frequency that at one time I didn’t even know existed. Shortly after my experience of communicating with a bug, I experienced something that was so immense, so moving, so transformational that it left me speechless.

What I am referring to happened to me after months of mediation and prayer during which I was constantly asking to be shown what it was God wanted me to share. I discovered that there is indeed truth in the assertion that proclaims “ask and you will receive.”

Little by little I was moved along through a series of events that were geared toward preparing me for the big one… And then it happened!

I was gifted with an overview of the whole of creation and told to write about and teach what I was being shown. Suddenly, having a bug respond to a thought was not that big of a deal. From my newfound understanding, I can now see what I never understood before.

When viewed through the filter of our Spiritual eyes, God alone exists. This I can say with complete certainty, although it continues to elude most of mankind.  When you begin to accept this fact as REALITY, you will begin to understand that there is an interconnection between you and all that is (GOD).  Another point many fail to recognize is that there is also a communication constantly happening between you and all that is (GOD).

The reason most people go through life without ever awakening to this realization is because they are tuned out to almost everything beyond the range of the human/ego mind.

Regardless of what path you may find yourself on, or what religion you practice, anyone who wishes to awaken and live awakened in this world will have to deal with their own struggles.

More to come…

Love and Light,

Brother Bruce



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