Christian persecution is widespread, violent and in some parts of the world, genocidal. Friday is the day Our Lord was crucified. He is being crucified again in the suffering of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. This warrants more than a post here and there. I will post on Christian persecution every Friday.
I plan to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary for the Suffering Church each Friday. I ask you to join me. If you are not Catholic, please join your prayers to ours by praying in your own manner.
British Government to Christians: Leave Your Faith at Home or Lose Your Job
September 21, 2012 By Rebecca Hamilton 7 Comments
“Leave your faith at home.” I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that. It’s right up there with “Separation of Church and State,” which a good number of ignorant souls seem to think is written down somewhere in the Constitution of the United States of America. Of course, this particular time, the “Leave your faith at home” claptrap is not coming from an irate, muddle-headed advocate for abortion on demand or some such. It’s straight out of the mouth of a lawyer who is speaking …[Read More…]
Christian Persecution: Saddle Up! This is War! (Of a Sort)
September 21, 2012 By Rebecca Hamilton 6 Comments
I mentioned in an earlier post, Christian Persecution: In the West, Where the War is Forced Upon Us, that violent persecution of a group of people doesn’t spring fully-formed from the head of some political Zeus. It evolves in an almost invisible progression from a series of smaller things. It almost always begins with simple criticism, some of which may even be valid. In time, this moves to unjust badgering, slanders and verbal harassment, which is coupled with agitation for changes in the … [Read More…]
The ACLU, the HHS Mandate, and Religious Freedom
For decades, the American Civil Liberties Union has been the self-appointed defender of civil liberties in this country. When they stood up for prisoner’s rights, I cheered. When they sued to allow members of the KKK to demonstrate peacefully, I was uncomfortable, but I knew it was consistent with the ACLU’s mandate and I respected […]
Christian Persecution: In the West, Where the War Is Forced Upon Us
September 7, 2012 By Rebecca Hamilton 2 Comments
Hearings on a discrimination suit filed by four British Christians against their government began September 4 in the European Court of Human Rights. The Christians say that they have lost their jobs because they would not comply with demands that they violate their Christian faith. Their complaints range from a woman who was fired because she wore a cross on a necklace to work, to a registrar who lost her job because she refused to conduct same-sex cvil partnerships. These people have been …[Read More…]
Christian Persecution: Coptic Christians in Egypt, Ready to be Martyrs
August 31, 2012 By Rebecca Hamilton Leave a Comment
Ready To Be Martyrs Coptic Christians in Egypt claim their ancient roots. DAVID PINAULT | SEPTEMBER 10, 2012 My sharpest memory from Cairo is what my driver said: al-Masih biygarribna, “Christ is testing us.” I’d hired Sami to drive me around the city. As soon as I saw on his wrist thewashma, a faded tattoo in the shape of a cross, I knew he was a Copt, a member of Egypt’s Christian minority, a community that predates the Muslim presence by centuries. Since the early 1980s I … [Read More…]
Christian Persecution: Christians are the World’s Most Persecuted Religious Group
August 31, 2012 By Rebecca Hamilton 4 Comments
By Michael Gryboski , Christian Post Reporter May 4, 2012|7:59 am WASHINGTON – The head of a California-based evangelical religious liberty group stated Thursday that Christianity is presently the most persecuted religion on earth based on evidence gathered. Dr. Carl Moeller told The Christian Post at an event on rising religious intolerance abroad that Christians are “the most persecuted in the world” when the nonprofit examined religious groups suffering from increased … [Read More…]
The Martyrdom of Nigeria, We Need a Miracle from God
August 24, 2012 By Rebecca Hamilton 1 Comment
…. Would to God that ”christians” from the west come to places like Nigeria, especially in the North to places like – Kano, Kaduna, Jos, Madiguri, where Christians are slaughtered , burnt alive, beheaded, killed – their only sin is that they are professing Christians , as the world would term ‘fundementalists- Bible believing Christians. Yet none of them will ever want to change their lot of what the west has in store….. Remember, as we here in Nigeria live, each day at a time, … [Read More…]