
Ted Peters is a pastor, professor, and author of both fiction and nonfiction. He is emeritus professor of systematic theology and ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He co-edits the journal, Theology and Science at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. His fictional thrillers feature an inner-city pastor, Leona Foxx, who courageously challenges the structures of political domination that are buttressed by the latest in science and technology.

“Public Theology” is a new term among progressive Christians. It broadens political theology to incorporate more of culture. Public theology tacitly assumes that conscientious believers of differing religious traditions work together on wholesome causes. My broadening will deal specifically with the impact of science and technology on cultural life with special interest in fields such as genetics, evolution, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Amplification, astrobiology, and astroethics. More important than the subject matter is my mission: to illuminate the human condition in light of the God of grace.

My concern as a public theologian is that belief in the God of grace be made intelligible in our global context of competing worldviews, interreligious communication, the cry for justice, exacerbated by the conflict between disinformation and the scientific criterion for truth.