
Public Theology Resources

with Ted Peters

Public theology is conceived in the church, critically reasoned in the academy, and offered to the wider culture for the sake of the global common good.

More specifically, some loci within public systematic theology can be illuminative outside the church for making public policy. Public systematic theology is not narrowly apologetic. Rather, it gifts public discourse with discourse clarification plus worldview construction that leads all of us toward a global common good. For a Christmas tree surrounded by resources, click on the bold print.
Ted Peters, “The Voice of Public Theology” just published..

Manifesto Articles on Public Theology

Ted’s BOOKs on Public Systematic Theology

Videos on Public Systematic Theology

Patheos “Public Theology” Column

From Big History to Cosmic History: A Critical Response to Ted Peters

Patheos Column on PUBLIC THEOLOGY

From Athens to Jerusalem: Introducing Public Theology

The Public Theologian as Ecumenical & Ecumenic Pluralist

Public Theology, Discourse Clarification, and Worldview Construction

The Public in Public Theology

Video: WHAT IS PUBLIC THEOLOGY?, Multi-Faith Matters, with John Morehead

America 2024

PT 3212 A More Compassionate America? Trump Tyranny.

PT 3213 Christian Nationalism versus the Vermin Curse

PT 3214 Does Anti-White Christian Nationalism Scapegoat Evangelicals?

PT 3215 Evangelicals Against Christian Nationalism

PT 3200 Christian Nationalism Resources

Series: Economism vs Common Good 

Is economism actually a religion to be demythicized?

Politics vs Common Good Governing Part One

Economism vs Common Good Part Two

Economism vs Common Good Part Three

Economism vs Common Good Part Four

Just, Sustainable, Participatory, and Planetary. Common Good Part Five

Demythologizing the Myth of Economism

Contemporary Issues: Discourse Clarification & Worldview Construction

The Chaos Machine, Social Media, and Public Theology

A More Compassionate America?

Critical Race Theory in Classroom and Pew

Nazi Cursing of, and by, Russia

From Ukraine to World War Three in One Misstep

Gun Safety Prevarication and Legislation

Gun Deaths in Ukraine and the US

America’s Two Killing Fields

A Billion Bucks for Bullets and Blood

Taiwan Crisis?

Astrotheology as Public Theology


A Progressive Race Narrative (Part 1)

A Progressive Race Narrative (Part 2)

Critical Race Theory in Classroom and Pew

Is Racism a Gospel Issue? Response to Grayson Gilbert

The Public Theology of Valerie Miles-Tribble

The Public Theology  of the Black Pastor

Who are our Public Theologians?

The Public Theology of Rudolf von Sinner

The Public Theology of Katie Day

The Public Theology of Binoy Jacob

The Public Theology of Sharon Delgado, Part One

The Public Theology of Sharon Delgado, Part Two

The Public Theology of Robert Benne

The Public Theology of Paul Chung

The Drumbeat African Public Theology of Mwaambi G Mbûûi

The Public Theology of Valerie Miles-Tribble

The Public Theology of Kang Phee Seng

The Public Theology of Noreen Herzfeld

The Public Theology of Jennifer Hockenbery

The Public Theology of Sharon Delgado, Part One

The Public Theology of Sharon Delgado, Part Two

Karen Bloomquist: Another Worldview Must Be Enacted Today

Moscow: The Worst Public Theology

Moscow Again: The Worst Public Theology

Public Theology Resources

Global Network for Public Theology (GNPT)

Center for Public Theology

Center for Public Theology and Public Policy, Yale Divinity School

Ebo Lectures in Theology and Public Life

Center for Theology and Public Issues, University of Otago

International Journal of Public Theology

PT 3200 Christian Nationalism Resources

Eco-Theology & Eco-Ethics

Global Warming.

Ecotheology when “It’s Time to Act”

To Eat No-Kill Cultivated Meat. Part One: The Science

To Eat No-Kill Cultivated Meat. Part Two: Kosher?

To Eat No-Kill Cultivated Meat. Part Three: Hindus? Jains?

To Eat No-Kill Cultivated Meat. Part Four: Mormons?

To Eat No-Kill Cultivated Meat. Part Five: Muslims?

To Eat No-Kill Cultivated Meat. Part Six: Catholic?

To Eat No-Kill Cultivated Meat. Part Seven: Christian Vegetarian?

To Eat No-Kill Cultivated Meat. Part Eight: Food Theology?

Science and Theology of Nature

VIDEOS on Science & Theology

Star Trek Universe–Cosmic Thoughts (Paramount)

VIDEOS: The Cosmic Matrix, Science, SETI, and UFOs

VIDEO: The Future of Transhumanism

Robert John Russell: In Celebration

Quantum Theory, God, and Carl Peterson

Astrotheology as Public Theology

Is ETI calling “wolf”?

Can Science Dispense with Religion?

What is Truth?

What is Truth in Science and Theology? Part One

What is Truth in Science and Theology? Part Two

Science for the Church? Greg Cootsona

Prebunking Disinformation

Ecotheology when “It’s Time to Act”

The Danger of Free Will Denial

Quantum Theory, God, and Carl Peterson

Should Christians Dump Darwin?

Series: Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics

VIDEO: The Future of Transhumanism as a New Religious Movement

Is AI a shortcut to virtue? To holiness?

The Transhuman, The Posthuman, and the Truly Human

 Radical Life Extension? Cybernetic Immortality? Or Resurrection of the Body?

Religious Transhumanism 4: Evangelical? Yes

Religious Transhumanism 5: Mormon? Yes

Religious Transhumanism 6: Jewish? No

Religious Transhumanism 7: Buddhist? Yes

Religious Transhumanism 8: UU? Yes

Christian Transhumanism versus Transhumanist Christianity

Religious Transhumanism 10: Transhumanism vs Posthumanism

Religious Transhumanism 11: What about the body?

Religious Transhumanism 12: Catholic?

Religious Transhumanism 13: Methodist?

Religious Transhumanism 14: Scientific?

Religious Transhumanism 15: Lutheran?

Concepts in Public Systematic Theology

Ted’s Books on Public Systematic Theology

Ted’s Videos on Public Systematic Theology

What is Public Systematic Theology? Part One

What is Public Systematic Theology? Part Two

What is the gospel?

What is creation?

What is Theological Methodology?

Easter’s Cosmic Meaning

VIDEO: God in Cosmic History Trailer

Universal Salvation, Grace, and Hellfire

VIDEOS: Lutheran Questions

VIDEOS: The Cosmic Matrix, Science, SETI, and UFOs

Series in Public Systematic Theology: CHRISTMAS 2022

O Come Emmanuel

House to Home for Christmas

Christmas Blues

Christmas Meditation 1: God Desired a Harlot with St. John Chrysostom

Christmas Mediation 2: The Word Became Flesh with St. Augustine

Christmas  Mediation 3: Truth at Christmas with St. Augustine

Christmas Mediation 4: Mean Estate with Martin Luther

Concept Series in Public Systematic Theology: SIN

VIDEOS on Sin & Grace

SIN 1 Sin? Really?

SIN 2 Self-Justification

SIN 3 The Visible Scapegoat

SIN 4 The Invisible Scapegoat

SIN 5 Sin Boldly!

SIN 6 Sin and Grace

SIN 7 The true story of Satanic Panic

SIN 8 How can Satan cast out Satan?

SIN 9 Ted’s Tips on Satan and Demons

Concept Series in Public Systematic Theology: ATONEMENT

How does Jesus save? Part One

How does Jesus save? Part Two Teacher & Moral Influence

How does Jesus save? Part Three Christus Victor

How does Jesus save? Part Four Satisfaction

How does Jesus save? Part Five Penal Substitution

How does Jesus save? Part Six Happy Exchange

How does Jesus save? Part Seven Final Scapegoat

Concept Series in Public Systematic Theology: RESENTMENT & COMPASSION

Resentment vs Compassion. Part 1: From Resentment to Ressentiment

Resentment vs Compassion Part 2: From Ressentiment to Reparations

Resentment vs Compassion Part 3: Russian Christian Nationalism

Resentment vs Compassion Part 4: American Christian Nationalism

Resentment vs Compassion. Part 5:” Ressentiment in the White ‘n’ Woke Unhappy Consciousness

Resentment vs Compassion. Part 6: Ressentiment with Copmpassion

Resentment vs Compassion Part 7: Christian Nationalism’s Decline Narrative

Resentment vs Compassion Part 8: The Unhappy Consciousness Narrative

Resentment vs Compassion Part 9: To Slay the Christian Nationalist Dragon

Resentment vs Compassion Part 10: Don’t trust your pastor

Resentment vs Compassion Part 11: Christian Nationalism vs Anti-Christian Nationalism

Literature and Religion

“For God and Country.”
Click here.

Leona Foxx Suspense Thriller Series

Literature and Religion

Series: The Wolves of Jack London

Jack London 1: The Call of the Wild

Jack London 2: White Fang

Jack London 3: The Sea Wolf

Jack London 4: Lone Wolf Ethics

Jack London 5: Wolf Pack Ethics

Jack London 6: Wolf & Lamb Ethics

Jack London 7: “The Red One”

Ted Peters

Ted Peters pursues Public Theology at the intersection of science, religion, ethics, and public policy. Peters is an emeritus professor at the Graduate Theological Union, where he co-edits the journal, Theology and Science, on behalf of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, in Berkeley, California, USA. His book, God in Cosmic History, traces the rise of the Axial religions 2500 years ago. He previously authored Playing God? Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom? (Routledge, 2nd ed., 2002) as well as Science, Theology, and Ethics (Ashgate 2003). He is editor of AI and IA: Utopia or Extinction? (ATF 2019). Along with Arvin Gouw and Brian Patrick Green, he co-edited the new book, Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics hot off the press (Roman and Littlefield/Lexington, 2022). Soon he will publish The Voice of Christian Public Theology (ATF 2022). See his website: His fictional spy thriller, Cyrus Twelve, follows the twists and turns of a transhumanist plot.