Arleen Spenceley, author of the soon-to-be-released book Chastity is for Lovers asked me if she could interview me for her blog.
I obliged, not knowing that she was going to effusively title the interview “NUNS ARE COOL!!
Not that I am not cool.
Well ok, I am not cool:
Anyway, I will share with you the first question that I answered with profundity and a mind-blowing ability to articulate the deepest of thoughts:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I couldn’t think of an answer to this that was not poke-your-eyes-out boring.
There you have it folks.
So, head on over to Arleen’s blog and check out my interview with her, especially if you are discerning religious life!
(I do get a little better with the questions as she goes along).