Give a Porn Star a Bible: Creativity in the Fight Against Porn

Give a Porn Star a Bible: Creativity in the Fight Against Porn March 26, 2015

The cover of the newest edition of the Bible that XXXchurch hands out to men and women in the sex industry

I am really impressed with the boldness and gumption with which nondenominational Christians often approach society’s ills, especially pornography and sex addiction.

Hookers for Jesus is a group I follow that was started by a former sex worker, Annie Lobert. The organization reaches out to sex workers.

XXXchurch is another group I have been impressed with that does outreach to people suffering from pornography and sex addiction, including the people who work in the industry. They even sell software to block pornographic websites.

Recently, I noticed that XXXchurch is raising money for a campaign to hand out Bibles to men and women involved in the sex industry.  They have been doing this for a while, and it is not without controversy, mainly because the image emblazoned on the cover of the Bible says “Jesus Loves Porn Stars.” Of course, this is true, but emblazoning that sentence on the cover of a Bible has been a decision that caused some consternation.

But it seems to have borne fruit. Brittni Ruiz, a woman who was known as Jenna Presley and was named one of the top 12 hottest porn stars in the world by Maxim magazine in 2010, has left the industry thanks to the efforts of XXXchurch.

In this video, she describes how a Bible from XXXchurch changed her life:

Pretty inspiring.

I know there are some Catholics doing similar work. Matt Fradd and the site he manages, The Porn Effect, is the first that comes to mind.

This is a great talk on The Porn Effect site from musician Audrey Assad on female porn addiction:

This is such an important issue in the life of the Church right now. Any priest hearing confessions can tell you that pornography is rampant and plagues the marriages and family lives of a huge number of faithful Catholics. Not to mention the consequences for young children who are growing up in a pornography saturated culture.

I am impressed with XXXchurch for reaching out to the men and women who are actually producing and acting in the industry. Because Jesus does love porn stars, and porn addicts and sex addicts, and he wants to set them free.

I keep the work of these organizations in my prayers and invite you to as well.

I also don’t think it would be money badly spent to send some dollars to XXXchurch for this endeavor.


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